Bigger is Better
Although there are some areas of life where bigger is not necessarily better, the Bible makes crystal clear bigger is better when it comes to God’s church. No matter how big the church may be (or even become), God always desires a bigger church! Until every person on the plant is saved, the imperative is the church must grow bigger. Anything less is unacceptable to God.
The summary of Acts chapter 2 and the report of the Day of Pentecost, which saw the church exponentially increase to 3,120 souls overnight, provide insight to God’s philosophy. “…And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” (Acts 2:47). God is all about addition and multiplication! Church is never big enough or too big for God.
A thorough review of God’s word does not reveal one solitary scripture granting permission to remain small or be content with an average-sized church. However, the Bible is filled with numerous challenges to grow and increase. God is a God of increase. “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end.…” (Isaiah 9:7). “…God giveth the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:7). Solomon observed in Ecclesiastes 4 that two are better than one, and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. What Solomon expressed is simply more is better.
Sadly, some are uncomfortable with church growth or increased numbers due to fear of the unknown. True to our human nature, we condemn things we do not understand or have not personally experienced. The enemy is well aware of this trait and often works this strategy to hold us hostage into thinking small and being intimidated by church growth and increase.
Some use the worn-out argument that in order to increase quantity one must compromise quality. This would imply God is more concerned with quality than quantity. Quite the contrary. God is just as interested in quantity as He is quality. The good news is the church does not have to sacrifice quality in order to increase quantity. In fact, the opposite is true! The better “church” we have (quality), the bigger the church will become (quantity)! Additionally, the bigger the church (quantity), the greater the opportunity and resources for excellence (quality)!
A common expression spoken by people afraid of church growth goes like this: “I really like a small, cozy church where everyone knows everybody.” Usually this really means “where everybody knows everybody’s business.” This is obviously not a spiritual reason to remain small. Although it is a challenge, large churches do not have to be impersonal and unfriendly.
Some saints who fear losing power or control in the church view newcomers as a “threat” and fear they will “take over the church.” If control and power really matter, it probably indicates a heart condition (wrong motives) and a case of insecurity. For all practical purposes, the church is not about us. It’s all about the lost world. A fresh burden for lost souls removes this fear.
The challenge to the church today is simply this: God desires a bigger church! The church is not anywhere near big enough for God to be satisfied. Numbers represent souls. As long as there is one lost soul in Oklahoma, God’s will is for the church to grow, expand, increase, and multiply. Everyone should do everything possible to make the church bigger and better! My favorite cliché sums it up like this:
Good, better, best
Never let it rest.
Until your good is better
And your better is best!