I can pray.

Daily we are confronted with situations where the outcome is beyond our control. Circumstances take over and we are left seemingly powerless without a single option. We feel trapped in a corner with no way out. We are overcome by hopelessness and helplessness.

However, as a child of God, we must remember we always have at least one option no matter what. I CAN PRAY! I can petition my God. I can call on Heaven. I can plead the blood of Jesus Christ. I can make intercession to the One who has all power in Heaven and earth. No matter what, I can pray!

Our enemy would have us believe that our hands are tied, there is no hope, we might as well forget it, our situation is all but settled and we might as well accept the inevitable. Too many times the enemy is quite effective in his presentation and we believe his lies as the truth and fail to respond. We throw up our hands in utter despair.

But stop right there! There is always hope. As long as we can pray there is hope. We can do something about it. Stop believing the lies of the enemy! Stop giving him the last word! We have power with God. We must exercise our power! PRAY! Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have! Nothing even comes close!

Recently I spent time on the phone with a pastor in another state who was at the end of his rope. Many enemies are attacking the church he pastors and some families are leaving. I attempted to encourage him and assure him I would be praying and fasting for him and believing God to intervene. As I spoke those words to him, I was reminded in my spirit of the tremendous weapon that I was accessing! I felt empowered because I know God will respond, God will protect his church family, God will come through for him. Things will change! Prayer changes things because prayer changes God! After speaking with my friend and committing those matters to God, I actually felt sorry for the Devil… because I’m praying and something’s shaking!

I hope you get the message: No matter what, I can pray! I can do something. I’m not without options, I’m not helpless, I’m not powerless, I’m not trapped in a corner with no way out. I refuse to accept what the enemy offers. I’m not without a move. There is nothing more powerful than prayer. Prayer does what nothing else can do. Nothing can take the place of prayer! Nothing can be substituted for prayer.  

What an encouragement to know that, no matter what the situation, I always have an option: I can pray. Therefore, I’m never defeated, never in despair, never hopeless, and never at wits end. The enemy cannot stop my prayers. We must stop accepting fate and allowing Hell to have the last word. I CAN PRAY… and I will pray!

Rick A. Hughes

Rick has taught leadership and organizational development classes as an adjunct instructor in the Business & Industry Center at Pioneer Technology Center, as well as theology and leadership sessions, in various venues around the country. He is a certified presenter who frequently travels to present “Real Colors” personality seminars in churches, businesses, and other organizations. He is also a certified Global Educator for UPCI Global Missions.


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